Customized accounting

We help you to achieve your business goals

“Coming together is a beginning, keeping together
is progress, working together is success.”
Henry Ford (1839-1947)

our services:

Our focus is the satisfaction and trust of our clients

We are experienced and competent contacts of an established trust company for all financial matters. We offer comprehensive services for kmu, large group, single company and privat individuals – tailored to the individual needs of our customers

  • Carrying out your financial accounting
  • Organising your financial documents
  • Booking your current transactions
  • Creating your financial report
  • Financial statement OR, IFRS, US-GAAP
  • Profit and loss statement
  • Creating your sub ledger: Accounts receivable, accounts payable and salary accounting, including reminders and payment transactions
  • Invoicing
  • VAT declarations for EU and CH
  • Personnel administration, insurance and salary settlement
  • Taxes
  • Process optimisation
  • Consultant for SAP projects
  • Company formation
  • Advice on social security

Fiscal Representation

We take over your tax reporting obligation

Are you looking for a fiscal representative in Switzerland?

From January 1, 2018, foreign companies which do business in Switzerland and achieve sales of over CHF 100’000 worldwide must be registered. A VAT declaration must be submitted by a tax representative based in Switzerland.

We know all the regulations, both formally and materially!

Start-Up Package

We support you in the start-up phase and in the development of your business

  • Create business plan and budget
  • Registration of social security benefits
  • Registration of VAT
  • VAT declaration
  • Annual closing
  • Salary payments/Declaration of social security
  • Tax declaration